I am currently blogging over at 7criminalminds.blogspot.com with 6 other crime writers. I’ll be cross posting the blog entries here too.

My current favorite criminal mind is a guilty pleasure. I first met him a few years ago in a place I don’t usually hang out: TV. We had mutual friends, so I thought I’d give him a go in spite of my reservations. I Netflixed him.
I didn’t want to like him. He’s brutal, sadistic, and good at what he does. Even the people who do like him don’t want to. Because he does horrible things. There’s just no getting around that.

Sure, he had a traumatic childhood. But that’s no excuse.

Slowly, he grew on me. I tried to resist him, but he was self aware and funny.  A deadly combination. He has a strong honor code too. It’s just warped. And I love his theme song.

But really, he’d make a good roommate. He’s very tidy and organized. Easy going too, most of the time. You know he wouldn’t drink straight from the milk carton. He can cook too, at least breakfast. If you asked him, he’d leave the seat down.  If it was his job to make sure that the air conditioner got fixed, you’d know he’d get it done. Especially the air conditioner.

I admire how he treats his girlfriend. She’s been through her own traumas, but she’s sweet. He’s great with her kids too. A real father figure.

Dark, dangerous, yet strangely reliable.

His only problem: he’s a serial killer. His only redemption: he only kills other killers. Ah Dexter! In fiction, you fascinate me. In real life, stay away.

I wrote and scheduled this post a week ago, but after I read CJs post and realized that she’d chosen the same guy, I thought of rewriting it, but decided to let it stand. Sometimes, panelists agree.

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