My favorite superhero?
The Tick. Hands down. For those of you who aren’t familiar with him, The Tick was a cartoon that ran on Saturday mornings on Fox in the 90s. Even though I was a grownup by then (I owned my own car, house, and cat), I still got up at the ungodly hour of nine (or maybe it was ten) to watch it. Later, I would have a child and never sleep in past seven for ten years and counting. But back then getting up at nine (or ten) on a weekend was a big deal.

Du-dwee-du-du-du-dwee-dou. The theme song still plays in my head.

The Tick is nigh invulnerable. He wears a giant blue suit with antenna on his head that cannot be chainsawed off. And his sidekick is a former accountant named Arthur who found a supersuit at a garage sale and flies around like a moth (but everyone calls him a bunny). Arthur worries about their damage deposit when the Molemen tunnel in through the basement and trash the apartment. He does complex math problems in his head. And he does his own taxes.

Together they battle evildoers. Nobody is ever killed, although Thrackazog does get sent back to Dimension X via a process that sounds fairly unpleasant. But that’s what you get if you try to conquer earth by cloning The Tick from his mucus.

Why do I love The Tick? Because he’s gentle. Nobody is killed or even hurt. The Tick protects puppies (OK, it was a capybara, but how was he to know?), babies (OK, it was the evil Mr. Mental), and citizens everywhere. Why else? Because he’s funny. Where else can you get a line like this one from The Terror to his son (who is doing evil deeds to spend time with his father): “I want you to do something bad. Not badly.”

I just don’t think we hear enough adverb jokes in superhero shows…

Hope to see you all at Left Coast Crime!

  1. Rebecca,

    I’ve “talked” to you briefly on amazons NBIE thread– now NBIE II – I am almost finished reading TRACE OF SMOKE I love it!–really cool video trailer too! Now I find out your a TICK fan too!! SPOON!:) Your awesome! Hey- can’t wait for more from Hannah Vogel and Anton! I’m on the East Coast– How can I get an autographed copy of your next book?? If I ever get a book published I’ll send you a copy of mine 🙂 (Ive got a kids book about music thats been sitting at home for the past 4 years!) 🙂 See you on the thread!!!

    Mr. Arnie Slater
    Germantown, Maryland

  2. Glad you liked it!

    I’m not sure what my touring schedule is for LONG KNIVES yet, but I’ll post it when I have it. I’ll at least be in New York for Thrillerfest (although that’s not confirmed, but I’m pretty sure). I might have some extra stops, but it’s all getting sorted out right now.


  3. I just found out that they are reviving The Tick live action series. Hooray! Details here:

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